Product Category
Category: Laundry Products
We supply laundry products such as laundry detergents and dryer detergents.

Scrubber Dryer Detergent
Removes Grease, Animal Fat & Other Soiling Description: Heavy duty detergent designed for use in scrubber/dryer machines, for tackling the toughest cleaning jobs. Scrubber Dryer Detergent quickly attacks the most stubborn grime and grease. Contains low foam surfactants and solvent for quickly action. Can also be applied using a mop. Use on concrete, ceramic and […]

Liquid Laundry Liquid
Description: Liquid laundry starch is a long-time product used to provide body and stiffness to natural fibres in your clothes after washing. It is formulated to make clothes wrinkle-resistant,it helps the iron glide faster and more easily giving your clothes and linen professional finish. Properties: 1.Provides stiffness to clothing 2.Leaves clothes easier to iron 3.Self […]